Wednesday, 27 May 2015

A rather unproductive week so far

Getting a bit itchy as I have not had even one swim this week. The flu took hold on Monday and is only now showing signs of been beaten. I am getting sick of Foxtel documentaries.

The next few weeks will be tough as I try get back the fitness I would have lost. It's always best to do this recovery slowly as extra pressure is put on the heart during these few weeks.

Sunday, 24 May 2015

First flu of the year

First flu of the year this weekend.  It unfortunately came the day before a 5 hour swim at Balmoral.  I only managed 2 hours, although it was good that conditions were very channel like; rough and lots of current.

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Long set today

Today was a 5 hour set at Philip Pool.  Sun was out and the water nice and cool at 17c.

Thanks to Ben for coming along today and swimming the entire set.

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Lucky me...

I am rather lucky here in Canberra as i have access to unlimited cold and now a semi-heated outdoor pool. The water temp is 17c however, it was the cold winds coming off the snow capped Brindabella's that made it rather chilly today.

Philip Pool